The challenge of freedom
Almondine Grows Up is the second title of the series in which we closely follow the teeny-weeny girl’s dangerous and exhilarating adventures in her wild micro world.
220 pages
192 illustrations
30 chapters
Reading level 7+
Imprint: GZ Books
Almondine Grows Up (print b/w)
Almondine Grows Up (ebook colour)
From the Back Cover
Our teeny-weeny Almondine has grown up and is eager to enjoy her freedom. But a silly mistake leads her far from her foster mother, Alma, and the safety of her home. Alongside quirky characters, she endures a dangerous and complicated journey to find her way back. And, as the days go by, Almondine is undergoing an irreversible transformation. One she has to learn to accept.

In the second book, Almondine tells us what happened to her from when she disappears from Alma’s garden until they finally meet again.
It all begins when Alma allows her little Almondine to make her own home in the garden playhouse. But Almondine is too curious and at night, she begins to escape outside to meet all the inhabitants of the mysterious wild world.
Her new life feels like a dream until she meets a handsome but mischievous cat, Spritz.
Her rashness, lack of judgement and misfortune take her a long way from home and she faces a long and dangerous journey to find her way back to her beloved Alma.
But both Almondine and the various funny characters she meets along the way will have something to discover from each other.
Amongst them is Orzo, a self-assured little mouse, Tosca, a depressed toad and Chicobroo, a young wood pigeon afraid of heights.
And as the days go by, Almondine grows and transforms herself, to become almost unrecognisable. Her journey is also an internal conflict, one of acceptance and self-determination.
Will Alma and Almondine ever be able to be together as before?